Англійська мова 6 клас 25.10
Breakfast in thе morning
Dinner in the day
Tea comes after dinner
Then comes time to play.
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.
Good morning students. I’m glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson. Today we continue to work at the topic “Food and Drinks”. Today we have to remember the words to our topic, we are going to watch video and speak about meals you usually eat for dinner
1. Переглянути відео урок
2/Записати нові слова в словники
add [æd] додавати to
bake beɪk] спекти to
blend [blend] змішати to
boil [bɔɪl] кипіти to
chop [tʃɒp] рубати to
cook [kʊk] готувати to
cool [kuːl] охолоджувати to
cut вирізати to
cut into strips [kʌt]
[ˈɪntə][strɪp] нарізати
соломкою to
dice [daɪs] на кубики to
fry [fraɪ] смажити to
grate [ɡreɪt] натерти to
grill [ɡrɪl] смажити
на грилі to
heat [hiːt] гріти to
melt [melt] танути to
mix [mɪks] змішувати to
peel [piːl] чистити to
pour [pɔː(r)] налити to
put [pʊt] класти to
roast [rəʊst] смажити to
serve [sɜːv] служити to
slice [slaɪs] нарізати to
squeeze [skwiːz] стискати to
stir [stɜː(r)] розмішати to
wash [wɒʃ] мити
the odd word out.
1) Yoghurt, cream, butter, spaghetti, cheese, curd.
2) Bake, sweet, bitter, spicy, sour, salty.
3) Oranges, bananas, apples, been, grapes, peaches.
4) Water, milk, juice, cereal, yoghurt, Cola.
5) Tomato, potato, onion, flour, cabbage, cucumber.
4)Прочитати текст Впр. 3 (c. 64).
5)Письмово впр.4 стр.64
the questionnaire on your cards to interview 5 other pupils about their
eating habits. Use the following scores for
each person's answer: Yes,
often — 3. Sometimes — 2. Seldom — 1. No, never — 0. |
Questions |
Pupil 1 |
Pupil 2 |
Pupil 3 |
Pupil 4 |
Pupil 5 |
you think you eat too much?
you drink fizzy drinks like Cola or Pepsi? |
you like fast food? |
you eat snacks like biscuits, nuts, chocolate? |
score |
0—4. These people are always
5—8. These people are careful
about what they eat.
9—12. These people eat too much
of junk food.
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