Англійська мова,11 клас

Тема: Повторення вивченого за І семестр.

Повторити вивчений  лексико-граматичний матеріал.

Виконати завдання 

I.                  Choose the correct variant.

1.     Which phrase completes the sentences? - … that I couldn’t see a thing.

a)     It was dark enough      b) It was too dark  c) It was so dark

2.     Can I drink this milk? This milk is … cold to drink.

a)     enough        b) too        c) too much

3.     My husband is two years … me.

a)     elder than      b) elder to       c) older then

4.     The … you study for these exams, the … you will do.

a)     harder, more successfully        b) more, worse         c) less, most successfully


ІI.                  Complete the sentences using past or future tenses.

1.     In five yearstimeI … university and I’ll be able to earn some money at last.

a)     will have   b) will be finishing c) will have finished  d) will have been finishing

2. He … for Ann for three hours when her plane finally arrives.

a) will wait   b) will be waiting   c) will have waited   d) will have been waiting

3.     It was dark, winter afternoon and we … in the sitting room.

a)     have been charting    b) were charting     c) chatted    d) had chatted

4.     My mum … a little while earlier, so we were along in the house.

a)     went shopping      b) had been shopping      c) had gone shopping                  

 d) had been going shopping

ІІІ.  Write

What is your plans for the future?

What subjects do you work hard?

What English-speaking countries do you want to study in?



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