Англійська мова, 11 клас

 6 травня

Rich is Ukraine in talented people, men of genius, devoted heart and soul 1 to their native land. Scientists and inventors, engineers and architects, singers and composers, writers and poets did their best to raise national science, culture, art to the highest world standards. They did it in and out of this country, within its borders  and far away  in many parts of the whole -wide world.

The sons and daughters of this blessed land made an endless row of contributions to other people's civilizations, stimulating their growth, enriching their spiritual world, raising their life standards and well-being. The Ukrainian people's cultural and economic ties with other nations went down in history for many centuries, they existed from time immemorial, growing/developing, strengthening, now on the upsurge, now on the down-grade. Yuri Kotermak named Drohobych after his native land, a well-known astronomer, philosopher and medicus , Rector of Bologna University in the 15th century, was one of the first to pave the way into world science.

Historical, events, tragic, dramatic, unforeseen and unfavourable for the gifted people's descendants made many Ukrainians either leave their Homeland, or stay away ,|in other countries. Absorbing other nations' culture and science, language and mode of life, Ukraine's intellectuals spared no effort to advance the peoples Who sheltered them, gave them a chance to display their best natural qualities, let them contribute to the realm of knowledge and wisdom. America and Canada, Great Britain and Australia, Germany and France, Italy, as well as many other countries of East and West benefited and continue to benefit from Ukraine descendants, from their strength of mind and intellect. Within their native land and outside its borders Ukraiaitia men of genius have been restlessly making contributions to world - science. 

To mention but a few we shall remember the names of Stepan Tymosbenko in the USA whose works Strength of Materiats and The History of the Strength of Materials have become textbooks for the generations of students, Ivan Puluy in Austro-Hungary and Czechoslovakia 5 whose inventions preceded those of Wilhelm Roentgen, as well as many others.

There were such Ukrainians in our land whose discoveries paved the way into outer space, whose inventions promoted the further steps in space exploration:  a hero of the 1812 War General Olexandr Zassyadko, a freedom fighter, member of Narodna Volya (People's Will) Mykola Kybalchych, Kostyantyn Tsiolkovsky whose ancestor was Severyn Nalyvaiko.

Quite a special place belongs to the man of dramatic fate Yuri Kortdratyuk (Olexandr Shargey) whose scientific exploit was duly appreciated by Academician Boris Rauschenbach. A man of tragic circumstances himself Rauschenbach wrote that it was Kondratyuk who suggested the idea of creating a base round the Moon and not on the Earth, to ensure the rocket starts for the Moon. Kondratyuk's idea was later realized in the Appollo flight programme many years after the author had been killed in action at the front.

Among other brilliant scientists who were working in this field and who gained breath-taking results 6 were Serhiy Korolyov, a constructor of cosmic systems, Academician Arkhyp Lyulka, a turbojet engines constructor, Lieutenant-General Mykola Dukhov, one of the creators of the atomic bomb.

Very near cosmic research stands another flying branch of scientific investigation — aviation and its affiliated domain hydronavigation. Most famous names here are Fedir Tereshchenko who constructed a monoplane with parameters far surpassing the existing models (as far back as 1913) and Dmytro Hryhorovych, a graduate of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, who constructed a seaplane (airplane rising from and alighting on water) for the first time in aeriel navigation.

And it was in Ukraine that such gigantic airplanes were brought into being and use, as Antey, Ruslan, Mriya (Dream). Quite unexpected is the turn at recent times to the long-forgotten kind of aviation — airships (dirigible balloons). Super-light (deltaplanes) and wingless aviation attracts Ukrainian plane-constructors' positive attitude and serious attention owing to such characteristic features of airships as practically unlimited weight-lifting ability, distance and time of flight, vertical start and landing. Today airships are built in such industrially developed countries as the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, China and many others.

Among other illustrious personalities in Ukrainian science, Volodymyr Vernadsky's name deserves a special, reverence for his indomitable scientific courage, for his ability to foresee the development of human knowledge, for his efforts to foretell the future of mankind and its ways of progress.

The above mentioned names are only a few stars in. the constellation of genius representing Ukrainian science, in the world.


Answer the questions.

What kind of the text is it?

What is this text about?

What do you want to know about the first astronaut of the independent Ukraine?


Write 4 main questions and try to find the answers when listening.

Listen to the text again for getting specific information and filling in the greed.


Main Life Events

January 28,1971

Was born in the village of Klishkovichy(Chernovsty oblast)

Finished school and went Chernigov high military flying school


Since 1976

Has trained for flight in different kinds of spaceships.

Was included in the group of Ukrainian astronauts.


Made the space flight as the experimenter on the American spaceship “Columbia”.

Compare your answers with your partner.Then we are going to check the filling in the grid.


Answer the questions.

When and where was Leonid Kadeniuk born?

Where did he get he perfect skills of a test-pilot?

When was he included in the group of the Ukrainian astronauts?

Where did he go for space flight training in July,1996?

When did he make  the space flight?

What was the name of the spaceship on which Leonid Kadeniuk made his flight?

How long was his spase flight?

Is Leonid Kadeniuk still in the group of the NASA astronauts?


True or  False

1. Academician Serhiy Korolyov is an outstanding creator of the practical space engineering.

2.Serhiy Korolyov is a representative of the Russian people.

3.Serhiy Korolyov was born in the city of Zhytomyr.

4.Mikhailo Yangel created a new direction and his own  school in developing rocket and space equipment.

5.The name of Mykhailo Yangel was given to a street in Dniepropetrovsk.

6.Valentin Hlushko was a general designer of planes.

7.Volodymir Chelomey headed the creation of the carrier rockets.

8.Mykhailo Garymovych and Ihor Bonachevsky helped Americans to prepare the flight to the Moon.


Tell which 4 facts from the text about the first Ukrainian astronauts of the independent Ukraine impressed you most of all.

The following expression will help you.

It was interesting for me to know. . .

I hardly believed that, but….

Without doubt the information about ….

It should be mentioned here about…


Who was Serhiy Korolyov?

Where was he born?

Where did he work?

What city street was his name given to?

Who was Valentin Hlushko?

Who headed the creation of the carrier rockets?

Who helped Americans to solve the problems connected with astronauts’ flight to the Moon?

Do you agree with the quotation of Ihor Bohachevsky,a noted Ukrainian scientist in rocket and space engineering about success in life?

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