Англійська мова 11 клас

 8 квітня 

1.Еating out

2.  Presenting vocabulary.

1)     Look through the dialogues and name the most common phrases that are used when eating out. Add your ideas.


“Can I help you?”

“Are you ready to order?”

“I would like to have…”

“Can I see the menu”

“Keep the change”

“Here are you”

2)     Word file

Write down new words and phrases in your vocabularies.

a bistro ['bi:strəʊ]        a ​small informal restaurant or ​bar                    

a dressing ['dresi]       a ​liquid mixture, often ​containing oil, vinegar, and

                                         herbs, ​added to ​food, ​especially salads                      

a reservation [.rezə'veɪʃn] an ​arrangement in which something such as a ​seat

                                            on a ​table at a ​restaurant is ​kept for you            

staff [sta:f]                      the ​group of ​people who ​work for an ​organization

veggie [Vedʒɪ]                vegetarian

sophisticated [sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd]  intelligent or made in a ​complicated way and

                                               therefore able to do ​complicated tasks

undercooked [ˏʌndə'kʊkt]   not cooked enough

3.Read the text and make up a dialogue by transforming the

sentences into direct speech. Play the dialogue in pairs.

    After having entered a cafe a customer asked a waiter if he might sit in a certain place. The waiter offered him to sit in any place he preferred including the one he asked about. The customer asked if he could see the menu. The waiter gave him the menu and asked if the customer would make an order immediately. The customer agreed and explained that he was short of time. He pointed out at some of the dishes on the menu saying he would like them to have. For not to make a mistake the waiter repeated the dishes again and asked the customer to confirm his order.

Now, waiters and customers should look through the offered sentences and out them in the correct order to make dialogues and then act them out

Would you like to order dessert?

Could I have the bill, please?

How about the table at the window?

I’ll have the borshch and pechenia.

Enjoy your meal.

Have you got a free table, please?

Here’s the menu. Would you like something to drink?

It is nice.

Would you like to order now, sir?

No, thanks.

Right coming up, sir.

One kysil, please.


Here you are, sir.

I think I’ll have just a mixed vegetable salad with British dressing.

Any drink for you, sir?

I’ll have the chicken with rice. And maybe some salad.

OK. Would you like some dessert?

That’s right. And the bill, please.

What kind of salad would you like, sir?

Waiter! I’d like the menu, please.

Let me check if everything is right: one chicken with rice, a mixed vegetable salad with British dressing, one plum pudding and a glass of orange juice.

Yes, a glass of orange juice.

Right away, sir.

One plum pudding, please.

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