Таблиця неправильних дієслів
Неправильні дієслова в англійській мові (irregular verbs) – це такі дієслова, минулий час яких (Past Simple та Past Participle) не утворюється за допомогою додавання закінчення -ed. Таких дієслів в англійській мові майже дві сотні і немає жодного іншого варіанту крім того, що вам потрібно їх просто завчити. В цьому вам допоможе таблиця неправильних дієслів англійської мови, в якій подані слова у трьох формах з перекладом.
A | |||
Infinitive | Past Simple | Past Participle | Переклад |
to abide | abode/abided | abode/abided | дотримуватися |
to arise | arose | arisen | виникати |
to awake | awoke/awakened | awoken/awakened | прокидатися |
B | |||
to backslide | backslid | backslid / backslidden | відступати |
to be | was / were | been | бути |
to bear | bore | born / borne | нести |
to beat | beat | beaten | бити |
to become | became | become | ставати |
to begin | began | begun | починати |
to bend | bent | bent | згинатися |
to bet | bet | bet / betted | ставити |
to bid | bid / bade | bid / bidden | ставити ставку |
to bind | bound | bound | пов’язувати |
to bite | bit | bitten | вкусити |
to bleed | bled | bled | кровоточити |
to blow | blew | blown | дути |
to break | broke | broken | ламати |
to breed | bred | bred | вирощувати |
to bring | brought | brought | приносити |
to broadcast | broadcast / broadcasted | broadcast / broadcasted | передавати |
to browbeat | browbeat | browbeaten / browbeat | залякувати |
to build | built | built | будувати |
to burn | burnt / burned | burnt / burned | горіти |
to burst | burst | burst | вибухати |
to bust | bust / busted | bust / busted | розорювати |
to buy | bought | bought | купляти |
C | |||
to cast | cast | cast | кидати |
to catch | caught | caught | хапати |
to choose | chose | chosen | вибирати |
to cling | clung | clung | чіплятися |
to clothe | clad / clothed | clad / clothed | одягати |
to come | cаme | come | приходити |
to cost | cost | cost | коштувати |
to creep | crept | crept | повзти |
to crossbreed | crossbreed | crossbreed | схрещувати |
to cut | cut | cut | різати |
D | |||
to daydream | daydreamt / daydreamed | daydreamt / daydreamed | мріяти |
to dare | durst | dared | відважуватися |
to deal | dealt | dealt | вирішувати |
to dig | dug | dug | копати |
to disprove | disproved | disproved / disproven | спростовувати |
to dive | dove / dived | dived | ниряти |
to do | did | done | робити |
to draw | drew | drawn | малювати |
to dream | dreamed / dreamt | dreamed / dreamt | мріяти |
to drink | drank | drunk | пити |
to drive | drove | driven | керувати |
to dwell | dwelt / dwelled | dwelt / dwelled | жити |
E | |||
to eat | ate | eaten | їсти |
F | |||
to fall | fell | fallen | падати |
to feed | fed | fed | годувати |
to feel | felt | felt | відчувати |
to fight | fought | fought | боротися |
to find | found | found | знаходити |
to fit | fit / fitted | fit / fitted | підходити |
to flee | fled | fled | уникати |
to fling | flung | flung | кидати |
to fly | flew | flown | літати |
to forbid | forbade | forbidden | забороняти |
to forecast | forecast | forecast | передбачати |
to forego / forgo | forewent | foregone | відмовлятися |
to foresee | foresaw | foreseen | передбачати |
to foretell | foretold | foretold | пророкувати |
to forget | forgot | forgotten | забувати |
to forgive | forgave | forgiven | пробачати |
to forsake | forsook | forsaken | залишати |
to freeze | froze | frozen | заморожувати |
to frostbite | frostbit | frostbitten | відморожувати |
G | |||
to get | got | got / gotten | отримувати |
to give | gave | given | давати |
to go | went | gone | йти |
to grind | ground | ground | молоти |
to grow | grew | grown | рости |
H | |||
to hand-feed | hand-fed | hand-fed | годувати з рук |
to handwrite | handwrote | handwritten | писати від руки |
to hang | hung | hung | висіти |
to have | had | had | мати (щось) |
to hear | heard | heard | чути |
to hew | hewed | hewn / hewed | рубати |
to hide | hid | hidden | ховатися |
to hit | hit | hit | вдаряти |
to hold | held | held | тримати |
to hurt | hurt | hurt | завдавати болю |
I | |||
to inbreed | inbred | inbred | розводити (рослини) |
to inlay | inlaid | inlaid | інкрустовувати |
to input | input / inputted | input / inputted | вводити дані |
to interbreed | interbred | interbred | схрещувати |
to interweave | interwove / interweaved | interwoven / interweaved | вплітати |
to interwind | interwound | interwound | заплітати |
J | |||
to jerry-build | jerry-built | jerry-built | будувати халтурно |
K | |||
to keep | kept | kept | тримати |
to kneel | knelt / kneeled | knelt / kneeled | ставати на коліна |
to knit | knitted / knit | knitted / knit | в’язати |
to know | knew | known | знати |
L | |||
to lay | laid | laid | класти (щось) |
to lead | led | led | вести |
to lean | leaned / leant | leaned / leant | спиратися |
to leap | leaped / leapt | leaped / leapt | стрибати |
to learn | learned / learnt | learned / learnt | вчити |
to leave | left | left | полишати |
to lend | lent | lent | давати у борг |
to let | let | let | дозволяти |
to lie | lay | lain | лежати |
to light | lit / lighted | lit / lighted | освічувати |
to lip-read | lip-read | lip-read | читати з губ |
to lose | lost | lost | втрачати |
M | |||
to make | made | made | робити, створювати |
to mean | meant | meant | означати |
to meet | met | met | зустрічати |
to miscast | miscast | miscast | неправильно вирахувати |
to misdeal | misdealt | misdealt | діяти невірно |
to misdo | misdid | misdone | помилятися |
to misgive | misgave | misgiven | передчувати зле |
to mishear | misheard | misheard | недочути |
to mislead | misled | misled | вводити в оману |
to mishit | mishit | mishit | промахнутися |
to mislearn | mislearned / mislearnt | mislearned / mislearnt | вивчати невірно |
to misread | misread | misread | неправильно тлумачити |
to misset | misset | misset | невірно настроїти |
to misspeak | misspoke | misspoken | обмовлятися |
to misspell | misspelled / misspelt | misspelled / misspelt | писати з помилками |
to misspend | misspent | misspent | розтринькувати гроші |
to mistake | mistook | mistaken | помилятися |
to misteach | mistaught | mistaught | вчити невірно |
to misunderstand | misunderstood | misunderstood | не порозумітися |
to miswrite | miswrote | miswritten | писати невірно |
to mow | mowed | mowed / mown | жати |
О | |||
to offset | offset | offset | компенсовувати |
to outbid | outbid | outbid | перекуповувати |
to outbreed | outbred | outbred | виховувати поза сім’єю |
to outdo | outdid | outdone | перевершувати |
to outdraw | outdrew | outdrawn | привертати увагу |
to outdrink | outdrank | outdrunk | перепити |
to outdrive | outdrove | outdriven | обганяти |
to outfight | outfought | outfought | перемагати в бою |
to outfly | outflew | outflown | перелітати |
to outgrow | outgrew | outgrown | переростати |
to outleap | outleaped / outleapt | outleaped / outleapt | вистрибувати |
to outride | outrode | outridden | випереджати |
to outrun | outran | outrun | випереджати |
to outsell | outsold | outsold | продавати більше |
to outshine | outshined / outshone | outshined / outshone | затьмарювати |
to outshoot | outshot | outshot | стріляти далі |
to outsing | outsang | outsung | співати краще |
to outsit | outsat | outsat | засиджуватися |
to outsleep | outslept | outslept | прогавати |
to outsmell | outsmelled / outsmelt | outsmelled / outsmelt | винюхати |
to outspeak | outspoke | outspoken | висловлюватися |
to outspeed | outsped | outsped | переганяти |
to outspend | outspent | outspent | витрачати більше |
to outswear | outswore | outsworn | клястися більше |
to outswim | outswam | outswum | перепливти когось |
to outthink | outthought | outthought | перехитрити |
to outthrow | outthrew | outthrown | викидати |
to outwrite | outwrote | outwritten | писати краще |
to overbid | overbid | overbid | перебивати ціну |
to overbuild | overbuilt | overbuilt | будувати занадто багато |
to overbuy | overbought | overbought | купувати у великій кількості |
to overcome | overcame | overcome | подолати |
to overeat | overate | overeaten | переїдати |
to overfeed | overfed | overfed | перегодовувати |
to overhang | overhung | overhung | випинатися |
to overhear | overheard | overheard | підслуховувати |
to overlay | overlaid | overlaid | перекривати |
to overpay | overpaid | overpaid | пеепачувати |
to override | overrode | overridden | відкидати |
to overrun | overrun | overrun | виминати |
to oversee | oversaw | overseen | спостерігати |
to oversell | oversold | oversold | робити розпродаж |
to oversew | oversewed | oversewn / oversewed | зшивати |
to overshoot | overshot | overshot | промахуватися |
to oversleep | overslept | overslept | проспати |
to overspeak | overspoke | overspoken | багато говорити |
to overspend | overspent | overspent | смітити грошима |
to overtake | overtook | overtaken | доганяти |
to overthink | overthought | overthought | мудрувати |
to overthrow | overthrew | overthrown | скидати |
to overwind | overwound | overwound | перекручувати |
to overwrite | overwrote | overwritten | переписувати |
P | |||
to partake | partook | partaken | брати участь |
to pay | paid | paid | платити |
to plead | pleaded / pled | pleaded / pled | благати |
to preset | preset | preset | заздалегідь встановлений |
to proofread | proofread | proofread | коректувати |
to prove | proved | proven / proved | доводити |
to put | put | put | класти |
Q | |||
to quick-freeze | quick-froze | quick-frozen | швидко заморожувати |
to quit | quit | quit | виходити |
R | |||
to read | read | read | читати |
to relay | relaid | relaid | змінювати |
to remake | remade | remade | перероблювати |
to repay | repaid | repaid | віддячувати |
to resell | resold | resold | перепродавати |
to reset | reset | reset | перезавантажувати |
to retell | retold | retold | переказувати |
to rewind | rewound | rewound | перемотувати |
to rid | rid | rid | позбавлятися |
to ride | rode | ridden | їхати |
to ring | rang | rung | дзвонити |
to rise | rose | risen | підніматись |
to roughcast | roughcast | roughcast | намічати |
to run | ran | run | бігти |
S | |||
to saw | sawed | sawed / sawn | пилити |
to say | said | said | казати |
to see | saw | seen | бачити |
to seek | sought | sought | шукати |
to sell | sold | sold | продавати |
to send | sent | sent | надсилати |
to set | set | set | встановлювати |
to sew | sewed | sewn / sewed | шити |
to shake | shook | shaken | трясти |
to shave | shaved | shaved / shaven | голитися |
to shear | sheared | sheared / shorn | стригти |
to shed | shed | shed | проливати |
to shine | shined / shone | shined / shone | світитися |
to shit | shit / shat / shitted | shit / shat / shitted | гадити |
to shoot | shot | shot | стріляти |
to show | showed | shown / showed | показувати |
to shrink | shrank | shrunk | стискати |
to shut | shut | shut | закривати |
to sight-read | sight-read | sight-read | читати з аркуша |
to sing | sang | sung | співати |
to sink | sank | sunk | опускатися |
to sit | sat | sat | сидіти |
to slay | slew | slain | вбивати |
to sleep | slept | slept | спати |
to slide | slid | slid | ковзати |
to sling | slung | slung | кидати |
to slink | slunk | slunk | крастися |
to slit | slit | slit | розрізати |
to smell | smelt | smelt | пахнути |
to sneak | sneaked / snuck | sneaked / snuck | крастися |
to sow | sowed | sown | засівати |
to speak | spoke | spoken | розмовляти |
to speed | sped | sped | прискорювати |
to spell | spelt | spelt | зачаровувати |
to spend | spent | spent | витрачати |
to spill | spilt | spilt | проливати |
to spin | spun | spun | крутити |
to spit | spit / spat | spit / spat | плювати |
to split | split | split | розділяти |
to spoil | spoilt/spoiled | spoilt/spoiled | псувати |
to spoon-feed | spoon-fed | spoon-fed | годувати з ложечки |
to spread | spread | spread | поширюватися |
to spring | sprang | sprung | виникати |
to stand | stood | stood | стояти |
to steal | stole | stole | красти |
to stick | stuck | stuck | прикріплювати |
to sting | stung | stung | жалити |
to stink | stank | stunk | смердіти |
to strew | strewed | strewn | посипати |
to stride | strode | stridden | крокувати |
to strike | struck | stricken | вдаряти |
to string | strung | strung | зав’язувати |
to strive | strove | striven | досягати |
to sublet | sublet | sublet | передавати в суборенду |
to sunburn | sunburnt | sunburnt | загоряти |
to swear | swore | sworn | клястися |
to sweat | sweat | sweat | пітніти |
to sweep | swept | swept | підмітати |
to swell | swelled | swollen | надуватися |
to swim | swam | swum | плисти |
to swing | swung | swung | гойдати |
T | |||
to take | took | taken | брати |
to teach | taught | taught | вчити |
to tear | tore | torn | рвати |
to telecast | telecast | telecast | передавати по телебаченню |
to tell | told | told | розповідати |
to test-drive | test-drove | test-driven | випробовувати |
to test-fly | test-flew | test-flown | проводити випробування |
to think | thought | thought | думати |
to throw | threw | thrown | кидати |
to thrust | thrust | thrust | штовхати |
to tread | trod | trodden | вступати |
to typeset | typeset | typeset | набирати (текст) |
to typewrite | typewrote | typewritten | набирати на машинці |
U | |||
to unbend | unbent | unbent | розгинати |
to unbind | unbound | unbound | звільняти |
to unclothe | unclothed / unclad | unclothed / unclad | роздягатися |
to underbid | underbid | underbid | збивати ціну |
to undercut | undercut | undercut | підсікати |
to underfeed | underfed | underfed | недоїдати |
to undergo | underwent | undergone | зазнавати |
to underlie | underlay | underlain | лежати в основі |
to undersell | undersold | undersold | продешевити |
to understand | understood | understood | розуміти |
to undertake | undertook | undertaken | вживати (заходів) |
to underwrite | underwrote | underwritten | гарантувати |
to undo | undid | undone | відміняти |
to unfreeze | unfroze | unfrozen | розморожувати |
to unhang | unhung | unhung | знімати |
to unhide | unhid | unhidden | вивести |
to unknit | unknit | unknit | розпускати |
to unlearn | unlearnt | unlearnt | відучитися |
to unsew | unsewed | unsewn | розпорювати |
to unstick | unstuck | unstuck | відклеювати |
to unstring | unstrung | unstrung | розхитувати |
to unweave | unwove | unwoven | розплутувати |
to unwind | unwound | unwound | відпочивати |
to uphold | upheld | upheld | підтримувати |
to upset | upset | upset | засмучувати |
W | |||
to wake | woke | woken | прокидатися |
to waylay | waylaid | waylaid | підстерегти |
to wear | wore | worn | одягати |
to weave | wove | woven | ткати |
to wed | wed | wed | одружуватися |
to weep | wept | wept | плакати |
to wet | wet | wet | вимочувати |
to win | won | won | вигравати |
to wind | wound | wound | вертіти |
to withdraw | withdrew | withdrawn | виводити |
to withhold | withheld | withheld | утримувати |
to withstand | withstood | withstood | протистояти |
to wring | wrung | wrung | вичавлювати |
to write | wrote | written | писати |
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